How do I get commas on my reports?
Go to “Setup”, “Budget Info” and then “Change details” you will see a tick box Show commas on reports bottom left
How do I get more nominal codes on my budget?
Go to “Setup”, “Nominals”, then choose “Maintenance” from the top and “Show non active”, Highlight the extra nominals you require and from the “Maintenance” menu choose “Make Active”.
My Livestock Enterprise does not need forage allocated to it – how can I sort this out?
Edit the Livestock Enterprise (either when in the Gross Margin screens or from Setup) and remove the tick in the box marked “Grazing ?”
How can I set the overdraft limit for my cashflow?
Go to “Cashflow”, “Cashflow allocation” – “Bank Int” button at the top and set the value for each month
I will not sell all my crop before the year end – how do I reflect this in my budget?
Go to “Cashflow”, “Cashflow” and put the monetary amount of the crop not being sold in the “Closing Valuation” column.
How do I allow for internal movements from one place to another i.e home saved seed or barley fed to livestock?
Go to “Cashflow”, “Cashflow” and enter the amounts in “Home Use” or “Internal transfers”, making sure to put the opposite amount in – i.e. sell barley and buy feed.
The VAT calculation is not as I expected – why?
The VAT calculation is not as I expected – why?
The VAT is calculated by the VAT code default on each nominal – go to “Setup”, “Nominals” and edit the Nominals to the VAT code that you require.
Can I import the cashflow into my KEYPrime Accounts?
Yes, if you have mapped under the “Setup”, “Code Mapping”, your nominals then when you go to “Utilities”, “Export” choose the accounts nominals, else you will get the KEYPlanner nominals and will need to replace them with you accounts nominals before going into KEYPrime and Management, creating a new budget and then importing using the Excel option .
Can KEYPlanner work out my overdraft interest?
Yes, after working out all of the budget and cashflow go to “Cashflow”, “Cashflow allocation”, at the top click on the “Bank Int” button, enter your opening balance and the interest rate that you would like the interest to be calculated on choose monthly or quarterly and then click apply. Now allocate this on the cashflow.
How can I introduce the lambs for breeding purposes into my Flock?
When at the “Enterprise GM” for Sheep there is a “Valuation” button on the top menu – this can be used to budget for births, purchases, sales, deaths replacement costs.