Time spent on your field records now, will make for easier administration in the autumn…

Our Geofolia trainer, Alice Marland has given her top tips to ensure your field records are in good shape prior to harvest. Ensuring field records are tidy prior to harvest will hopefully ensure that your admin workload is much less in the Autumn, when you are busy with cultivations and drilling.


Are your stocks in good order? Have you entered your invoices so far? Do you need to enter a stock take to ensure your stock list is accurate and up to date? Doing this will help to make sure you will have correct production costs.

Get your activities or jobs up to date

Have your activities been entered and completed correctly? Have you got times, weather, inputs etc entered accurately? Making sure there are no mistakes or anything missing will give you piece of mind for assurance purposes.

Update grain store management records

If you will be storing grain during and after harvest, are your grain store records up to date? Where is grain to be stored? Have you got temperature check records?

Add grain sales records

If you have sold some of your grain already, have you got those sales recorded?

Start the next crop year

You probably already have next year’s crop rotation planned, but have you set it up in your recording system? Having your fields and cropping set up now will mean  a job saved when it comes to entering autumn work into your system.

Update your costings

As we are all trying to get a better grip on cost management, you may be looking to scrutinise your financial performance via the reports available in your crop recording software come the autumn. Now is an ideal time to update your current labour and machinery costs so the reports you run later, will give you a true picture of your production costs and margins.

If you are a Geofolia crop recording software customer, Alice will also be running webinars later in June showing you how to get your Geofolia system ready for the 2023 crop year prior to the busy season so keep an eye on your inboxes!





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